Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Response on " Let America Be America Again"

1.Question:Who is Langston Hughes writing this poem for?
Answer: In the poem it seem as if Langston Hughes writing about African American and their struggles as an American.

2.Question:Why was "America never America" to the poet?
Answer: They where never American because even thought they fought and eventually one the battle they still have to fight and be judge.

3.Question:How did his personal experience contribute to this poem?
Answer: His personal experience contribute to this poem because he was there during segregation and he witness the bad treatment

4.Question:How has America changed since Hughes wrote it?
Answer: It has change a lot. Slavery was band, no more racial act, and everyone become equal to one another.

5.Question:What are three aspects of America that Hughes would still be ashamed of?
Answer: Three aspects he would be ashamed of are racial comment, black are still be consider a stereo type , and that the world is still divided.

6.Question:What are three aspects of America that would make Hughes proud?
Answer: Three aspect he would be proud of are we treat people with respect, everyone has a free education, and no one is better then another.

7.Question:How does this poem make you feel about America?
Answer: This poem make me think about how lucky i am to be here and how bad i feel for our ancestor who had to fight and be beaten for the right to be equal. Also it makes me think about everything i ever learn about African American history and how much they would be proud of us and what we have accomplished.

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